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  • Natural Reserves which make the most of the flow of water
    Natural Reserves which make the most of the flow of water

Natural Reserves which make the most of the flow of water

If it is worth a visit any time of the year to enjoy the different colours and shades of any season, spring is also a suitable moment to delight in one of the natural sites which waken the most interest in the province of Salamanca: El Pozo de los Humos, a waterfall between Pereña de la Ribera and Masueco, in the Parque Natural de las Arribes del Duero. At this time, with a strong river flow, one can gaze, better than anytime, at the water vapour and mist produced by the Uces River waters jumping freely 50 metres high.

The strong water flow of rivers and streams of the province also makes spring the ideal season to enjoy other charming natural sites, such as Las Batuecas Valley (in Sierra de Francia), declared Biosphere Reserve in 2006 and the dams that the Duero River and its streams have contributed to create in the northwest corner of the province.


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