Tierras de Peñaranda y Alba
The Tormes is the most important river in the province of Salamanca. It runs through the capital city and it is the framework of the places built on its banks: Alba de Tormes in the west, is influenced by the river. This is one town which have been declared Historical Site and it is worth visiting.
The lands around the Tormes are cereal-producing areas in the east of the province. Landscapes of broad horizons, only interrupted by the bell towers of some villages, such as Peñaranda de Bracamenote, However, there are some colourful wetlands, such as Riolobos irrigation dam or some little streams which flow into the river Tormes.
Not to be missed
The rivers and tributaries which cross the province favour the formation of small lakes and building of reservoirs. Due to this fact, Salamanca is an ideal province to fish, especially salmonidae.
If you have enough time, you should visit the area of Guijuelo and try the so famous pork products, such as ham, and enjoy its traditional fiestas, such as the “matanza” (pig slaughter).
Teresian Route: from Ávila to Alba de Tormes with Teresa of Jesus
The route "From the craddle to the grave" links the cities of Ávila and Alba de Tormes, both Teresian by excellence, thus offering the pilgrim a historical and spiritual tour after the footprints of the Restless Saint.
Our Villages

Peñaranda de Bracamonte.
The cereal plains in the east of Salamanca were set in this urban location, which has been declared Historical Site.
Carmus Carmelite Museum
In the convent founded by Teresa de Jesus itself, there is a 900 square metres exhibition museum, which also includes some of the original rooms of the convent that have been restored
Museum of the Carmelitas Descalzas Monastery
This 17th century convent, which grew up under the protection of the Condal House of Peñaranda, has a magnificent collection of religious art. There are masterpieces from the Italian School by Lucas Jordan, Andrea Vaccaro and Guido Reni.
Iberian products of Salamanca. Certified quality
Iberian products of Salamanca mean quality. This Certification Mark, recognised in 2005, offers selected Iberian products of Salamanca, in particular steaks, chorizos, salchichones, cured hams and pork shoulders.
Conventual Pastry and Honey. Sweet temptations
This travel trough Salamanca can't finish without tasting any of the numerous recipes of the delicious conventual pastry.
Gastronomy in Alba de Tormes
If you visit Alba de Tormes, you will have the opportunity of trying some of its traditional meals, such as “chanfaina”, the garrapiñadas almonds and the Saint Teresa sweet yolks.